We'll send you a message if we missed your chat. Non-PH Players may now direct their concerns via this link - Click ME c/o SGM Rob.
PH Players may now direct their concerns via this link - Click ME c/o SGM BoneThugs. Here are some updates to handling of concerns via Live Chat: Shout out to the BullSF GFX Family Stifi, and KeshXamaru for a job well-done, as always. Bug fixes (Visual, Incorrect Damage, Weapon Action and Functionalities, Recoil and DC issues on some weapons). Multi-Tier DE Spending Special Event !. DE Spending: Valentine Special Event !. Supply Crates: Valentine Sales and Boosted Drop Rates Promo !. Project Lazarus, Cafe Partnership and BC Reselling !. The following have been updated/implemented: We thank you for your patience during the downtime. We have successfully completed our maintenance on 16 February 2023 03:29 AM, PH Time, GMT +8. NOTES: Supreme Hoarders' Special Rewards, and other rewards will be inserted within 24 HOURS | For concerns, kindly contact your RSL. REWARDS HAVE BEEN DISTRIBUTED FOR THE FOLLOWING EVENTS : As such, kindly open your SPMBs within the said period. amp.Please be advised that all unused Season Pass Mystery Boxes will be deleted after 24 hours.
maddog selling his wall hack for 300 ecoin. €: Weil es sich zwei Personen gewünscht haben hier auch noch im V+. Ihr könnt sie benutzen, oder es lassen, bitte spammt nicht rum, dass die Idee geklaut ist, was aber stimmt :D Habe auch mal was gemodded, die Red-Bull T-Bomb sollte eigentlich nur kidding sein, weil schon 2 Personen eine "Getränke-T-Bomb" released haben, aber ich fand sie ist recht gut geworden, deswegen release ich sie :awesome: WarRock Guides, Tutorials & Modifications - 36 Replies Ich war heute mit collegen in kaufland und wollten red bull kaufen.