You may find it is an adventure worth beginning.These publications have been carefully reproduced from the extensive historical archives in both England and the USA, meaning you can have access to the original Heritage publications needed to run and maintain your Heritage vehicle. And one more thing, since PowerPC distros are mostly unsupported, sometimes installations break when upgrading.Īgain, do some digging, check out install instructions, and explore your options. The selection of applications can be a bit anemic, with user interfaces that tend to be serviceable. Even with the extra polish those distributions work to achieve, there is little that I can do in them that I cannot do faster and better in Leopard or a newer version of macOS. Ubuntu is by far my favorite of all Linux variants, followed by the Mac-like Elementary OS. As a desktop OS, though, I’ve never been able to use it for an extended period of time without running into lots of annoyances, some minor, some major. It’s useful, rock solid, and customizable.

My home backup server runs a variant of Linux. I’ve got nothing against Linux – I use it as a server OS with a couple of VPS accounts. I’d recommend you do some research on your own. There’s a lot written about preferences between Linux and Mac OS X, the pros and cons, the ins and outs. If you want to explore beyond Tiger or Leopard, a Linux distro does offer a more recently updated operating system for G5s. You’ll have potential access to more secure browser options and other recently compiled software packages. There are some caveats to this, mainly the lack of favorite or equivalent Mac OS X applications and the inevitable rough edges that come from running an open source OS. Version 3.0.1 remains available for Leopard. USB Overdrive is a helpful utility for making use of all sorts of USB devices like keyboards, mice, joysticks, gamepads, and so on.Quick Fans is a miniscule utility that reports your highest temperature sensor and current fan speed in a compact spot on your menubar.Perian: Perian is a swiss army knife for Quicktime which lets you open a lot more video types than normal.Isolater: Another free application that gives you the ability to focus on a single app and reduce distractions while working.

Lots of customization options with different desktop pictures, labels, and effects. HyperSpaces: A free application that puts the Spaces feature of Leopard on steroids.Growl: Growl gives you cool notifications of system events, messages, and other things, with various plugins available for some applications.Fast and Slow: A great little app/utility that gives you quick access to the processor options on your G5, enhancing or reducing processor speed as you need it.