Obviously, there are still some graphical glitches as the grass is the wrong colour at times and not all light effects work but the game is being rendered pretty well.

Neither I or nor Wololo are affiliated with the creators of the linked videos and they’re only being provided for informational purposes.The game is also running decently on a mid-range PC equipped with an older Core i7 CPU and a GTX 960 as per this YouTube video.Some YouTube videos have shown pretty good performance on PCs with an RTX 2080 and a high-end CPU.Performance-wise, the game is said to run at around 15-30FPS on a good laptop ( no mention of specs).Instructions on how to install it are provided in the public Patreon post linked below.The game sometimes crashes during the introduction due to a bug although this can be skipped by downloading and installing a save file.While this is great news, there are still some things to keep in mind which include: Now, those behind Ryujinx have announced that Animal Crossing: New Horizons is effectively playable in their latest Preview Build which they shared in a public Patreon post meaning that anyone can download it. Thanks to the hard work of Ryujinx’s Team, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is now playable on PC but make sure you support its creators by actually buying the game if you want to play it this way!